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West Kootenay Permaculture Co-op

Located in Kootenays
We are a Slocan Valley-based not-for-profit cooperative guided by permaculture ethics and working to build a healthy and resilient region through collaboration, education, media, and net-positive initiatives. Our board is made up of homesteaders, food/medicine business owners and educators who have a vested interest in strengthening food security in the West Kootenays. We strive to make good food more accessible and affordable for eaters through culinary skill-building programs for all ages that also create new opportunities for small-scale food enterprises. By connecting local food producers and growers with community volunteers, our Harvest Glean and Workbee Programs help to reduce food waste and transform excess produce into nourishing, value-added products. We thus aim to bolster our local economy by supporting food and farm businesses, serving as the catalyst needed to design a more sustainable food system. Get involved and find out more at!
Last modifed 10 months ago.