Total land size in acres
80 acres
Wooded Area
Yes - Pine & fir throughout grazing lands, ~50 acres dense
Cultivable Area
37 acres irrigated
Expansion potential (acres)
Yes - Many acres devoted to grazing could be suitable for smaller intensive agriculture
State of the surface of the cultivable area
Field health excellent, majority newly seeded in alfalfa within the last 5 years. Motorized wheel move irrigation. Loam/sandy loam. -Irrigation license & private reservoir in place PLEASE SEE PHOTOS HERE:
Description and historical use of land available for farming
30+ years of alfalfa produced for cattle's winter feed. Cattle grazed fields in fall before snowfall
Road Access
Yes - Highway intersects the property with dirt road access throughout
Yes - 400amp 3phase
Long-term goal or vision for land
-More land intensive agricultural crops (vegetable, tree or shrub nursery etc) on 37 Acres
-Grazing land remainder
-Overall Land custodian
Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Yes - Wildfire, River bank flooding
Current residents living on property
Yes - Reside in the main house (3 on the property) 1.5 km separation
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - Metal clad hay storage, quonset shop, residential dwellings
Land is fenced
Yes - Barbed wire fencing throught, regular repairs needed
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Yes - tractors, bailer, wrapper, feeder available
Water source
- Well -
- Stream/river -
- Irrigation system -
- Other -
Water rights to these sources
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
- Vegetable -
- Livestock -
- Seed -
- Hay & Forage -
- Mixed -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - We know the current best practices for alfalfa and cattle but not looking for apprentice
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - We need testiment to character and relavant experience.
Agreement duration
5 year minimum
Last modifed about 2 months ago;
never expires.