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WoodGrain Farmer Cooperative - Land and farm opportunities

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Land Details

Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - 300 acres
Cultivable Area
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
  • Vegetable -
  • Livestock -
  • Grain -
  • Seed -
  • Hay & Forage -
Current practices
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
State of the surface of the cultivable area

We have a land or co-farming opportunity on our certified organic farm for someone with a keen interest in homesteading, small-scale farming and wilderness living. WoodGrain Farm is a 320 acre century-old farmstead in the Kispiox Valley (in the mountains of northwest BC), 25km north of Hazelton.

Description and historical use of land available for farming

Presently, we market garden about an acre for two farmers’ markets, where we focus on seasonal vegetables with small-scale grain and lamb on the side. We are largely self-sufficient year-round in vegetables, grain, meat and dairy on the farm. We strive to find a healthy balance between farmsteading as both a way of life and as a livelihood, and this potential long-term opportunity would be best suited to those with a similar focus. There is the option to join or take over the market garden project - currently being managed by our excellent farmhand. Or, there is more land that could be worked for other endeavours. We also have a cow and are open to a milk-share. Value collaboration and privacy.

Road Access
Yes -  Near the end of a gravel road, the farm is incredibly quiet with endless trails and wilderness out the back door.
Yes - On-grid, wood stove for heat
Cell Service
Yes - There is cell service, depending on where you are.
Long-term goal or vision for land

Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Current residents living on property
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - We have vegetable packing areas, barns, work areas, etc which could be shared. Also have tractor, hay equipment, grain harvester and seed cleaning equipment.
Land is fenced
Yes - Sheep and cow pastures are fenced. Electric
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Water source
  • Well -
  • Pond/lake -
  • Irrigation system -
Water rights to these sources
On-site housing
Yes - 3 bedroom A-frame Cabin on hillside overlooking farm with mountain views. Full kitchen, woodstove. Or - option to bring own housing (RV/Tiny home)
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
  • Vegetable - We have an established market garden, with customer base. We would like to share the load in order to get away a bit more.
  • Livestock - We have a milk cow, and small flock of sheep, and chickens.
  • Grain - We grow grains on a small-scale which are stone-milled on-farm (see website,
  • Seed - We grow some crops for seed
  • Hay & Forage - Someone eager to help with annual haying is ideal, and can be part of a work-trade scenario/put towards cabin rent
Practices preferred
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
Agronomic potential
Soil details
  • General fertility (nutrients) - We are fairly closed-loop. Fertility comes from on-farm compost, and on-farm manure
Preferred arrangement
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - Ideally, we would love some experienced growers, but a season or two in a market garden and readiness to take on main operational decisions with support from us would work two. I picture someone who could do a scaled down version - focusing on the smaller Hazelton market, half the CSA customers and helping us increase the retail side of things.
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - Previous work experience. Must already have at minimum a full season’s worth of successful market garden experience.
Agreement duration
seasonal or long-term
Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.