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Diamond in the Rough

Located in Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands Ba7093e1 f818 48e7 a7cd 721ea622139f

Land Details

Total land size in acres
2.5 acres
Wooded Area
Yes - mostly treed
Cultivable Area
sunny slopped section maybe good for berries
Expansion potential (acres)
Yes - Trees could be cleared.
Current use
  • Not used for agriculture - Rural residental
Current practices
    State of the surface of the cultivable area

    Sandy soil conditions, gradient slope, not terraced, no irrigation system or fencing in place, no outbuildings, vehicle accessible areas.

    Description and historical use of land available for farming

    Unknown, but heard it was sheep pastures at one point.

    Road Access
    Yes - established lane way through the property
    Yes - Supply from the house
    Cell Service
    Yes - and wi-fi
    Long-term goal or vision for land

    My long-term vision for the property was to have a permanent home for the older and younger generations of my intimidate family with a hobby farm for us to all help with. This plan has been altered with the changes brought in by Bill 52. As I was not prepared to take on the work load of a revenue earning farm practice right now, I'm am looking at leasing options to ensure the land can be worked. I am open to investing in the infrastructure development (fencing, barns, irrigation...etc) for the right match and would prefer a long term lease agreement. There is also the potential for residential use, should flexibility in legislation be met.

    Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
    Current residents living on property
    Yes - Primary dwelling has 2 full-time working adults and 5 children ages 2-13. The coach house suite has 2 working adults who are about 2 years from retirement.
    Availability of farm buildings
    No - No farm building in place but would be willing to establish some as needed.
    Land is fenced
    Availability of farm machinery and tools
    Water source
    • Well -
    Water rights to these sources
    Yes - Water available from a well.
    On-site housing
    No - This could be possible with permission from the ALC
    Restricted access of visitors
    Yes - not outright resticted but we'd need to discuss the potential levels of traffic flow first.
    Types of production you are open to
    • Livestock - Chickens, pigs, sheep
    • Orchard/Fruit - Raspberries, orchard, vineyard possibilites
    Practices preferred
    • Organic -
    Agronomic potential
    I don't know
    Soil details
    • Sloping - Steep in some sections. not teraced.
    • Slope orientation and degree of slope (specify) - Sun facing, degree unknown.
    • Soil grittiness - Sandy and loose
    • Good drainage -
    Preferred arrangement
    • Lease -
    Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
    Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
    Agreement duration
    5+ years

    Learn More

    Inquire about this listing

    Phone: 250-218-5542


    5491 Langlois Rd
    Courtenay, BC, V9J 1S8

    Last modifed over 2 years ago; never expires.