farmers looking for land
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Regenerative Farming Couple looking to start small farm

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
  • Kootenays -
C792fcd3 d3e0 4250 95aa 8bd044813fd9

Land Seeker Details

  • Agriculture-related degree - Permaculture Design Course, Regenerative Agriculture Online Course
  • Apprenticeship - 6 month Apprentice at Organic Vegetable Farm. Intensive greenhouse production , field crops, silvapasture, and agroforestry. I managed the CSA and Greenhouse production. Immersed in all farm operations from record keeping, seed starting, direct seeding, trransplanting, cultivating, disease and pest mangement , compost production, and propigation.
  • General farming (3 years or less) - 3 years on organic mixed vegetable farms in the okanagan, caribbean, and ontario
  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - 2 years Vineyard and Orchard experience
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - Business Plan available
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - Small Savings
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Open for Grant


Farm Name
Free Range Organics
Farm Project Description

Minimal tillage CSA/Market Farm. Bio-intensive mixed vegetable production, culinary and medicinal herbs and flowers. Regenerative soil building practices, direct to customer sales, open to small egg production if space permits. Mainly hand tool and human-scaled systems.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
  • Business Partnership -
Duration of the desired agreement
1 to 5 years
Ideal date to obtain land by
2020 season

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
1 to 10 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1 acre
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - Would be nice to create a pasutre or expand field production for cover cropping and crop rotation.
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Easily workable, well-draining, not compacted or contaminated.

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - Yes its fine
Need farm buildings
Need fenced land
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
Enough capacity to supply 1 to 2 acre vegetable production on overhead and drip irrigation.
Need on-site housing
Yes - Private housing would be ideal for my partner and I
Production type
  • Vegetable - Mixed Vegetables, Cuilinary and medicinal herbs
  • Livestock - Eggs
  • Mixed - Vegetables, poultry, cut flowers
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
  • Other - Regenerative
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - Open to take any steps necessary

Learn More

Inquire about this listing

Phone: 17809522748


30 john street west
Bright, BC, Noj 1b0

Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.