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Farmer seeking land and building for mushroom cultivation and market garden

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
  • Kootenays -
3d03621d 60e7 4717 ba83 9e4b68263d8f

Land Seeker Details

  • Farm management (3 years or less) - Worked directly with owner to manage daily farm operations on 2+ acre garden (two seasons)
  • General farming (3 years+) - 7+ years of general gardening experience
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - Currently in the process of streamlining my business plan
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - All financing will be covered by my personal savings.
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Always looking for potental grants, otherwise all financing will be from personal savings.


Farm Name
Kootenay Mountain Mushrooms
Farm Project Description

Seeking building usage (with power and water) to convert into growing space for gourmet and medicinal mushrooms. Also seeking land for use as a market garden (producing fruits and veggies) and specializing in medicinal herbs.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
Duration of the desired agreement
Ideal date to obtain land by
May 30~ Also negotiable

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
1+ acre
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1+ acre of cultivatable land
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - Possiblity to expand into larger area ideal
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Ready for use- willing to prepare pasture or other suitable land for growing. Organic farming practices if previously used for cultivation (would like to be certified eventually). Land with good sun exposure for fruits and vegetables. Also interested in land in shadier areas for outdoor mushroom cultivation.

Open to landowner residing on property
Need farm buildings
Yes - Ideally building with water and power to construct growing space for mushrooms
Need fenced land
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - Possibility of rentable farm equipment (ie. tractor) would be ideal
Need established water source and infrastructure
Unsure at this time- water consumption for small garden and mushroom cultivation..?
Need on-site housing
Production type
  • Vegetable - Market Veggies (ie. radish, beans, peas, leeks, tomatoes, ect.)
  • Orchard/Fruit - Interested in growing fruits (ie. strawberries, blackberries, raspberries, ect.)
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
  • Other - Looking to eventually get organic certification
Soil needs
Previously cultivated land, or pasture ideally. Please no heavy rocky soil..
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - For now, as a small operation I am not looking at commercial insurance. However if this is a defining condition I would be happy to review this subject.
Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.