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BC Food Web

BC Food Web aims to improve access to research results and other resources to help improve the sustainability and resilience of food systems. BC Food Web is a freely-accessible online portal designed to increase access to food systems research results and other resources for producers, processors, policy-makers, educators, and the general public. BC Food Web intends to meet the needs of those interested in increasing the sustainability and resilience of food systems using knowledge generated through high-quality, cutting-edge research. The portal includes clear and concise briefs focused on the implications and applications of research; these briefs are prepared by the BC Food Web team based at UBC’s Centre for Sustainable Food Systems. BC Food Web also hosts webinars, decision tools, and longer-format reports and guides, and links to food systems resources produced by other organizations.

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Vancouver, BC, V6T 1Z4

Last modifed over 2 years ago.