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Ravi Duhra Bcomm, LL.B, JD, RDM Lawyers LLP

Ravi grew up in Quesnel and graduated with honours from UNBC. RaviŐs practice focuses primarily on real estate law, business law and commercial lending. Ravi leads the real estate department and overseas legal work relating to real estate development, subdivisions, covenants, easements, bare land strata developments, leasing and real estate conveyancing. RaviŐs business law practice includes assisting entrepreneurs in the purchases and sales of businesses and professional practices; setting up corporations, joint ventures and other legal structures, shareholder agreements and related matters. In addition to his law practice, Ravi has taught business law as a sessional instructor at the College of New Caledonia and University of Northern British Columbia.

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33695 South Fraser Way
Abbotsford, British Columbia, V2S 2C1

Last modifed over 2 years ago.