farmers looking for land
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Famers looking for land

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
  • Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands -

Land Seeker Details

  • General farming (3 years or less) -
Do you have a business plan?
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
No - fresh starting. possibly a little bit saved
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - pretty much starting from scratch


Farm Name
paturel's farm
Farm Project Description

Ideally we would like to go with organics but would like to do most of the basics for farming. produce. maybe some herbs as well. ( I would love to maybe have a small apple orchard ) but so many possibilities that we would be happy with.) we would like to start any time. we have had success with our small back yard garden in Edmonton and here in Victoria. Our very good friend who would be joining us on this journey had a successful farm with his mother in Lady smith on over 10 acres of land at least 4 to 5 acres of farm land. ( he also raised pigs and some other small animals) as well as horses so he would be helping us learn more for a larger then backyard farm. He knows how to use much of the equipment used that he would be able to teach us as well.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • License -
  • MOU -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
  • Other -
Duration of the desired agreement
1 to 5 years to start.....
Ideal date to obtain land by
on ir before September 1 2021

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
1 to 10 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1 to 10 i think
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area


Open to landowner residing on property
Need farm buildings
Need fenced land
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
unsure would depend on the type of farm land already started if any, and what we would be able to grow on the land.
Need on-site housing
Production type
  • Vegetable -
  • Seed -
  • Orchard/Fruit -
  • Mixed -
Type of agriculture
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
  • Conventional -
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - I guess. I am unsure would depend on many things

Learn More

Inquire about this listing

Phone: 2506611813


711 Massie Drive
Victoria, BC, V9B 3A9

Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.