farmers looking for land
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Farm Family for long term project

Located in
  • Thompson - Okanagan -
  • Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands -

Land Seeker Details

  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - small private gardens, landscape maintenance, tree pruning, rural living 20+ years, chicken raising, vegetarian food prep for gatherings and events, marketing diploma, graphics and film, heavy equipment operation, able bodied seaman certifications. We offer skills and experience of two mature adults who are devoted to ensuring that our daughter has a thriving home where she can become established as a farmer and creative film maker. We believe in living with like-minded individuals and sharing work that benefits the environment as well as the humans and animals we care for.
Do you have a business plan?
No - two generations working together to pass on the valuable skills of growing food and sharing the experience with young people. We will explore farming of garlic, micro greens, honey bees, squash and other nutritious crops that thrive in the area where we live, in addition to any established/existing crops. We have our adult daughter living with us and together we are making a sustainable home where we can grow a portion of our own food as well as establishing our farm as a supplier of quality, organic. local crops. We will welcome other young growers to come and stay and work and live (if possible) and learn farming skills.
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - we have employment, small home business (greeting cards) and savings/inheritance.
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'


Farm Name
Farm Project Description

Prior to the events of 2020, we decided to focus on growing food for ourselves and a local market. We have come through a grueling experience of recovery from disease and we know that working on the land is the path to wellness. Our organic gardens are how we heal our bodies and give back to the earth that nourishes us. We are growing garlic and greens and flowers to sell, in addition to food for our own table. We produce gluten free products, including pies and an upcoming licorice product not available from any other producers (to be released later this year). We have red wigglers for production of soil nutrients and will have honey bees as pollinators and to produce wax for candles. We would love to work with farm owners to enhance the health and productivity of any existing crops and to establish viable crops that will ensure the success of the farm. Together we offer diverse skills and we are willing to study more amazing ways to live and grow on the land. Ultimately we are making a path for young farmers to follow and we will welcome new growers to come and work with us while they find their own way. This is our long term project that we hope to leave for our daughter to carry on after we are gone.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
  • Other - combination of long term (5-10 year) lease and possible transfer of ownership of land
Duration of the desired agreement
minimum 5 years please
Ideal date to obtain land by

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
minimum 2 acres up to 10 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
minimum 1 acre for garden plus area for bees and green house.
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - we will add worm composting and bee pollinators and other suitable process to enhance the health of the farm.
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

prefer fenced area but willing to build and maintain the gardens, including rototiller prep and fencing. will modify selected crops to suit conditions of soil and climate as well as local market opportunities.

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - we appreciate the shared work load with having others living on land - there's always plenty of work to go around.
Need farm buildings
Yes - would like chicken coop and space for greenhouse. we have 40' seacan to accommodate our tools and storage.
Need fenced land
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - we would appreciate driving lawn mower for property maintenance and tractor for field work. we have most other tools.
Need established water source and infrastructure
will work with existing and possibly build as needed.
Need on-site housing
Yes - we require on site dwelling for three. possible to finish interior of our seacan for additional sleeping space and have fifth wheel for seasonal space. we can live in small space and can build/renovate/maintain existing buildings.
Production type
  • Vegetable - garlic, squash, greens
  • Livestock - chickens
  • Orchard/Fruit - peaches, plums, apples
  • Mixed - raspberry
  • Other - honey bees
Type of agriculture
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.