farmers looking for land
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Looking for cabin in the bush to garden and forage

Located in
  • Cariboo -
E73b3138 54c4 45eb bc2d 3ec3bd891b65

Land Seeker Details

    Do you have a business plan?
    Yes - I have a idea dream and goal
    Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
    No - I do not yet have financials to purchase but funds to get started
    Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
    No - I would like to learn about possibilitys of financial aid


    Farm Name
    Otter And Crow Acres
    Farm Project Description

    Would love to find someone who wants a land caretaker perhaps, i would like a little cabin, my dreams are a garden for food and food preservation and i would like to raise speciallty poultry and a small herd of sheep for fiber meat milk and forestry practices. i have two well trained dogs, and a couple beautiful mouser cats and i would acquire sheep once there/ rabbits and bring my specialty poultry. Also herbalism and foraging practices.

    Preferred Arrangement
    • Other - Share use but own spaces of living or a rent to own use...
    Duration of the desired agreement
    Ideal date to obtain land by

    Land & Features Desired

    Total Land Size (acres)
    Wooded Area (acres)
    Cultivable Area (acres)
    Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
    Yes - Anything be great
    Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

    I can always start from scratch if needed, as for alr it allows for money access, stustainable farming practices and organic status ect

    Open to landowner residing on property
    Yes - I would like my own space
    Need farm buildings
    Need fenced land
    Need farm machinery and tools
    Need established water source and infrastructure
    Need on-site housing
    Yes - Cabin or small home please
    Production type
      Type of agriculture
        Soil needs
        Will acquire commercial insurance
        No - I don't see a need for this
        Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.