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EcoPeace Canada

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    Land Seeker Details

    • Other experience/agricultural/business training - Occasional farming experience in Senegal.
    Do you have a business plan?
    No - It will be a learning experience as I transition to farming.
    Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
    No - I will use my own finances at the beginning and look for possible loan as the project grows.
    Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
    No - I would look for possible grants if possible.


    Farm Name
    EcoPeace Canada
    Farm Project Description

    Thru the EcopEace Canada project we want to introduce people to a new kind of relationship with the earth which is not focused on profit so that they can become actors of their own development. EcoPeace Canada will be a sustainable and conscious socio-economic alternative based on the one founded in Senegal in 2006. As an alternative economic model based on non-violence, EcoPeace repositions the human being, and not profit, at the centre of all its initiatives. EcoPeace promotes peacebuilding, socio-economic justice, sustainable farming and environmental protection and aims through its actions to awaken our consciousness to all these pressing issues. With the present social and economic crises unfolding globally, it is necessary to propose a new socio-economic model where the means used are not in contradiction with the expected result. Such an alternative can only be based on goodwill and kindness to all. It is an alternative that pivots around the human being, his needs, his well-being, his honour and his dignity. As an alternative to the current system, it is a model that neither depends on nor promotes individual or collective self-interests, but aims for an ideal that benefits everyone. Our vision of the farm is a return to the earth to build an alternative model of society based on the principles of non-violence.

    Preferred Arrangement
      Duration of the desired agreement
      Ideal date to obtain land by

      Land & Features Desired

      Total Land Size (acres)
      Wooded Area (acres)
      Cultivable Area (acres)
      Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
      Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

      Open to landowner residing on property
      Yes - If there is no other options.
      Need farm buildings
      Need fenced land
      Need farm machinery and tools
      Yes - Depending on the state of the land and how the project grows.
      Need established water source and infrastructure
      River or well water if possible.
      Need on-site housing
      Production type
      • Mixed - Vegetables, berries, orchards and poultry
      Type of agriculture
      • Certified Organic -
      • Organic -
      Soil needs
      I don’t know
      Will acquire commercial insurance

      Learn More

      Inquire about this listing

      Phone: 6045612423


      10-1299, Coast Meridian Rd
      Coquitlam, BC, V3E0H6

      Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.