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Avalily Permaculture and The Earthskills Institute

Located in Kootenays Bd72681f 1322 47a2 b090 a42fd9b49183
Permaculture Design and Consulting services for land owners/managers who want to develop or transition a property to an efficient, regenerative system. Services vary from offering consulting on specific matters, to complete property assessment and design services, to live-on-land for a term to help develop the property. Want to be a regenerative farmer but don't know where to start? Feel like you're doing more work than necessary and want to learn how you can make the most of your property and/or current systems? Get in touch! Some things I can help with are soil assessments and prescriptions, forest design and development, passive solar greenhouse design, integrated system planning, identifying issues and solutions, permaculture property design, property development planning, etc.
Last modifed almost 2 years ago.