farmers looking for land
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Looking for 5 to 10 acres of land for garlic planting on rent

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
  • Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands -

Land Seeker Details

  • Farm management (3 years+) - Successfully planted garlic for the third year.
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - Can be provided if required
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - I do have my own investment available for the project
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - I am open to investors but would prefer to apply for grants.


Farm Name
Garlic seeds farm
Farm Project Description

I have hand-on experience of growing garlic and have successfully planted garlic for the third year since 2019 in Pakistan. We just finished planting for the year 2021 in October and now I am free from here for another five months until the harvesting starts. I am looking forward to utilize my free time and experience in to establishing similar opportunity in Canada as well for the coming year 2022. This discovery of new seed called G1 will create a lot of attractions for the existing garlic growers/farmer. Ones we started farming it in Canada we’ll sell it as a seed for first few years, By looking at the technology we have available in Canada and the support of government will lead Canada to even export garlic to other countries. The reason behind my vision is the size of a finished bulb of G1, “ photos are attached” it’s almost 4 times bigger then the garlic bulb which we have here in Pakistan before G1 discovery. The fun part is that the G1 requires the same amount of land to grow but you’ll get a lot more in production.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • Business Partnership -
Duration of the desired agreement
3 to 5 years
Ideal date to obtain land by
March 2022

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
5 to 10 aces
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
5 to 10 aces
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - 15 to 20 aces
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Vegetables, prefer garlic crops.

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - I would prefer , hopefully will learn something from there experience
Need farm buildings
Yes - For drying crops and storage equipment 1000 sf or more covered area would be enough.
Need fenced land
Yes - Animal fence
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - Tractor, Dibbler, planter, disc Harrow Roto-tillers, etc…
Need established water source and infrastructure
Water sources can include storage tanks, wells, ponds, dugouts, creeks, rivers, lakes or town/city water.
Need on-site housing
Yes - Two or three bedroom on the site would be enough.
Production type
  • Vegetable - Garlic
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - Depends on owner

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Inquire about this listing

Phone: 7785355780


507 1010 Richard street
Vancouver , BC, V6b1g2

Last modifed over 2 years ago; never expires.