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We're Nuts Farm

Located in Kootenays F38b1411 8a97 4227 9ceb 87bc6d8b5a45

Land Details

Participant in BC Land Matching Program
Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - CA
Cultivable Area
Expansion potential (acres)
Yes - wooded area, foraging corridors and/or food forestry in Nut Grove, >120,000 gallon pond (aquaculture)
Current use
  • Vegetable - approx 6000 sq feet much improved soil and double fenced
  • Poultry - Layers - 10 - 20 dual purpose chickens, 10 -36 Muscovie ducks
  • Grain - about 1200 sq feet of trial area
  • Hay & Forage - 4 -5 acres, could be more in nut grove alleys
  • Orchard/Fruit - 96 blight resistant hazelnuts, several: walnuts, apples, peaches, pears, plums, cherries, peaches
  • Greenhouse - 400 sq foot polycarbonate, semi in-ground/"Wallapini" attached to house
Current practices
  • Certified Organic -
State of the surface of the cultivable area

grass and some legume hay fields 5 acres, gentle slope, mixed soils, reseeded 2023; also 2 new small terraced garden areas -minor field crop trials done, and well established 6000 sq foot garden, and 1200 sq foot fiel trial area, mostly sandy loam/silt, some clay, orchard and grove areas largely sandy loam about 4 acres

Description and historical use of land available for farming

Pasture and hay, orchard, berries - mild North facing slope with excellent summer sun, lower 4 acres fully deer fenced, upper 5 acres partial livestock fence. Was a much larger Dairy Farm. Small dairy and good sized barn with hayloft, tractor shed, good sized coop, and two smaller livestock sheds. Directly across the road from Kootenay lakeshore with private right-of-way to the water.

Road Access
Yes - on the quiet main road
Yes - also new solar back up for essentials
Cell Service
Yes - at times spotty signal
Long-term goal or vision for land

Open to fully use the potential to add to local food resilience. New large pond (approx 120,000 gallons uphill accumulates water during the "wet season" from shared creek water system. Interest in : closed loops ...ruminants and cheese? Aquaculture? Possibly larger in-ground greenhouse? Processing nuts ? Sunflower oil (pressing)? Possibly a longterm arrangement and succession like the Danish Co-Housing village model.

Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Yes - Wildfire - pond being created to assure some water source protection
Current residents living on property
Yes - 1 couple - we are seniors
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - potentially all negotiable
Land is fenced
Yes - 4 acres deer fenced + 5 acres incomplete livestock fencing
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Yes - negotiable....tractor and many implements, also custom built small-medium scale electric threshers, winnower, husker, seed cleaner, pull field crop seeders, rototiller, hoss wheel hoe and attachments
Water source
  • Pond/lake -
  • Stream/river -
Water rights to these sources
Yes - licensed irrig + domestic
On-site housing
Restricted access of visitors
Yes - possible restriction only if a lot of traffic - would be kept to area near gate
Types of production you are open to
  • Vegetable -
  • Livestock - Sheep -
  • Livestock - Pigs -
  • Livestock - Goats -
  • Grain -
  • Seed -
  • Orchard/Fruit -
  • Greenhouse -
  • Mushroom -
Practices preferred
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
  • Other - permaculture principles
Agronomic potential
Soil details
  • Thick topsoil - variable
  • Slope orientation and degree of slope (specify) - North facing mostly 2 - 7%
  • General fertility (nutrients) - could use some more NP and S in fields
  • Soil grittiness - variable
  • Good drainage - variable
Preferred arrangement
  • MOU -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - Regenerative gardening, orchard training /pruning, drip irrigation in orchard, limited field crop experience and with small livestock
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - Ideally Re: growing and/or tenancy
Agreement duration
1st round 4-6 months- willingness to clarify and communicate
Last modifed 3 months ago; never expires.