This opportunity offers 1.5 acres of open land for a possible market garden or greenhouse and up to 15 acres of partially wooded rolling hills for small livestock grazing.
Land Details
Participant in BC Land Matching Program
Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Cultivable Area
15 acres
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
Current practices
State of the surface of the cultivable area
Description and historical use of land available for farming
Hasn't been farmed. Has been spray free for 3 years.
Road Access
Cell Service
Long-term goal or vision for land
Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Yes - Wildlife.
Current residents living on property
Yes - The landholder resides on the property 10 days of every month in the main residence.
Availability of farm buildings
Land is fenced
Yes - The land has some old barb wire around one portion but deer fencing would need to be installed around a market garden area and electricity is available for electric fencing for rotational grazing of small livestock.
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Yes - Landholder has some equipment that could be rented or value exchanged in some way.
Water source
Water rights to these sources
Yes - There are two wells on the property, an agricultural water license may need to be applied for depending on scope of production.
On-site housing
Yes - May be opportunity to bring a tiny home or trailer, case by case basis.
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
Practices preferred
Agronomic potential
Potential for livestock grazing and vegetable production if soil built up and land fenced.
Soil details
Preferred arrangement
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?