farmers looking for land
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Looking for land!

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    Land Seeker Details

    • General degree - Business Management bsc
    • General farming (3 years+) - Grew up in countryside and have a small homestead.
    • Other experience/agricultural/business training - Homestead farming, growing fruit, veg, taking care of chickens and sheep, spend time helping other farmers
    Do you have a business plan?
    Yes - In progress, have a basic one but still needs work
    Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
    No - Not yet, trying to finalise business plan first then will try get funding
    Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
    Yes - Need to find farm first. Will assess what is needed and will look for funding in terms of grants and government schemes. Loans for whatever grants cannot cover.


    Farm Name
    Farm Project Description

    A farm that will start to produce totally organic food, (crops, veg, fruit and livestock). Will start experimenting and implementing worm fed compost use this for feeding/fertilising. Will create a marketing name and sell produce to local shops and markets. If there is space a small food processing facility can be opened and further develop the brand name. Looking into the possibility pf a digestor on site to create more fertiliser and the by products of heat and electricity. Want to be as sustainable as possible and minimise carbon footprint. As fuel and fertiliser costs increase and even shortages develop, this type of farm would remain almost totally unaffected. So output can continue as normal. Agri-tourism will eventually become part of the farm. Must be 5-10 acres for a small homestead garden hobby farm.

    Preferred Arrangement
    • Registered Lease on Title -
    • Lease -
    • Transfer / Succession -
    • Business Partnership -
    • Sale of Land -
    • Other -
    Duration of the desired agreement
    Ideal date to obtain land by
    ASAP, but need to find a farm to then do calculations for the business plan, and apply for grants and loans to obtain funding to buy it.

    Land & Features Desired

    Total Land Size (acres)
    2500 plus acres
    Wooded Area (acres)
    Yes - A natural area would be nice but not a necessity.
    Cultivable Area (acres)
    2500 plus
    Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
    Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

    Ready to cultivate, but work can be carried out if needed. Not really wet and boggy ground.

    Open to landowner residing on property
    Yes - Yes but will reside there also if there are buildings available.
    Need farm buildings
    Yes - A few barns to start but more can be added if needed. Would like to find one with a grain storage facility
    Need fenced land
    Need farm machinery and tools
    Yes - Machinery would be a plus. If not then it can be purchased.
    Need established water source and infrastructure
    Watering infrastructure will probably be overhauled if needed. So will begin with whatever exists.
    Need on-site housing
    Production type
    • Vegetable - Potatoes, cabbage, turnips, carrots, brocoli, spinach, Lettuce, tomatoes etc..
    • Livestock - Will asses the land first to see which is most suitable
    • Grain - Depends on site facilities but wheat and barley, and some corn
    • Hay & Forage - For the digestor if there is space
    • Orchard/Fruit - Apples
    • Greenhouse - For starting veg
    • Bees - Will install beehives throughout to help pollinate
    Type of agriculture
    • Certified Organic -
    • Organic -
    Soil needs
    I don’t know
    Will acquire commercial insurance

    Learn More

    Inquire about this listing

    Phone: 2368696060


    711 broughton street
    Vancouver, BC, V6G 2Z4

    Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.