farmers looking for land
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No-Zone for Multi-Family Dairy Adventure

Located in
  • Any -
  • Other - Specifically an area with minimal zoning (no zoning beyond the general BC building code).

Land Seeker Details

  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - I have been raising a variety of animals from childhood (even insects). In recent years I've focused on breeding goats, sheep and harvesting milk and meat.
Do you have a business plan?
No - The plan would evolve once the land presented itself. But I have no problem looking into costs of building and farming. I enjoy running numbers. I have created several different budgets and plans for when the opportunity strikes.
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - See description below please.
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'


Farm Name
Farm Project Description

Dear: Friend out there. There is a longing in my heart. The seed of the dream has been there since childhood, but it grows stronger and stronger as I age (I'm 32). To fulfill it, all that is needed is a small (or large) chunk of any old land, anything but a swamp or a cliff, with the two conditions being (1) it's NOT in the Agricultural Land Reserve, and (2) it's "no zone". Here are the reasons: *I want to transform a "desert" into an "oasis", while working with the existing climate and ecosystem to create a productive, self-sustaining sanctuary for my family as well as the immediate community. *I want to gather my friends and extended family under my wings (should they wish) whereby they can join the adventure by living alongside us in humble dwellings (appropriate to the size of the parcel and in harmony with creation/nature). While it is very rare in this North American culture to see the elderly live to the end at home, under the care of their offspring (should they prefer it to joining a facility), that is what I desire to provide. This would be a haven for at least 3 generations at one time, nurturing eachother, thriving together. Rather than build the typical "single family kingdom", I want to SHARE this opportunity with those of my family and friends who could/will never afford a traditional lot with a home, just like us. We may have to pool our funds together, unless a family member with significant financing wants to assist. *I am drawn to all types of farming and all types of animals (and try to be as much as a veterinarian as I can), but specifically I want to provide food sovereignty to the community through goat, sheep, and cow milk (Is your community deficient in this resource?). I have been milking those three types of animals for the past 6 years and plan to obtain RAWMI certification. Many other complimentary animals and vegetation would be incorporated in order to mimic the balance of an ecosystem, such as honey bees, pigs, ducks, an orchard, a vegetable garden. I also wish to provide various types of meat. I have experimented with creating milk products (yogurt, cheese, butter), but have yet to become proficient in that arena. I would like to. *I desire a forever home, a living inheritance for the next generations. A place they never have to leave. But those who are called to go elsewhere, are free to go. Just as chunks of BC wilderness are preserved in the form of parks, I would like to establish a piece of land that will exist for future offspring (the opposite of a pawn for the real estate industry). *I want to see traditional methods preserved, so that they will be there to fall back on when/if the modern industrial system experiences a hiccup, or fails. Aside from being a safety net, I truly enjoy all things "from scratch" (currently I'm working on a sheep pelt). I would like to enliven/support "trade" within the nearest town. *With limitless zoning, creativity can truly blossom! It could (and I hope it does) become the site of a delicious eatery and/or wood-working shop and/or smithy, etc. (as those skills and interests are among my comrades) *Does your community need a safe space where there's something to do, like tend to animals and work the land? I love to share my passion for animals, especially getting kids and adults alike to try hand milking. Bonuses would be if the land is (1) larger than one acre (2) has the two major/important resources, wood and water, in abundance, and (3) has existing pasture. BUT, I truly enjoy getting my hands dirty and I see potential in nearly everything, so don't assume that your land is too humble for me. If it lacks timber, adjacent crown land can compensate for that by applying for a license to harvest for domestic purposes. I am not alone. I have an immediate family unit of five: 3 hard-working kids, and a diversely gifted husband. He's like an animal whisperer and I'm more of an animal nerd. We want to own the land in full, and pay up front in cash. I hesitate to make this public, but want to provide an honest and clear picture of our situation. Our personal savings is not much over 10k. But we have friends and family who are serious about contributing/joining and that could increase the budget significantly. I don't want to make a profit off of sharing the parcel. I just want to have it paid in full from the start so that there is no uncertainty. I have lived in British Columbia my whole life. It is beautiful, resilient, full of life, and I'm drawn to it's wild side. As impossible as this request is, I wait in hope for this letter to reach the person it may be meant to. As you go about your day engaging in real life conversation with various folk, I would be so grateful if you would consider passing this request on. While I'm appreciative of this resource (the U-map), reality is that the internet only reaches a certain crowd, so person-to-person relay may be required. Thank you kindly, Signed, A starry-eyed milkmaid Lamentations 3:37

Preferred Arrangement
  • Sale of Land -
Duration of the desired agreement
Since it's a permanent transaction, forever.
Ideal date to obtain land by
Any time now.

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
Wooded Area (acres)
Yes - Please see description of the dream.
Cultivable Area (acres)
Please see explanation below.
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Potential in all parcels as long as it's not a cliff or a swamp.

Open to landowner residing on property
No - Let's talk though.
Need farm buildings
Need fenced land
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
This can be raw land. There is always rain to collect, but a ground source would be ideal.
Need on-site housing
Production type
  • Vegetable - Whatever grows best. I love potatoes, green beans, berries, pumpkin, etc.
  • Livestock - ***Milk animals. As well as bees, poultry, swine.
  • Hay & Forage - I will stock the land according to the forage available.
  • Orchard/Fruit - One of every kind if the climate can support it (or by greenhouse if it can't).
Type of agriculture
  • Other - I fight natural when possible even though it's more work. I try to not need synthetic interventions.
Soil needs
Not worried about the dirt. Manure and decaying wood work wonders.
Will acquire commercial insurance
No - Not applicable.

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Phone: 604-534-3113


Langley, BC

Last modifed almost 2 years ago; never expires.