farmers looking for land
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Young at heart, looking for land to love

Located in
  • Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands -

Land Seeker Details

    Do you have a business plan?
    No - It is in the works, details would be dependent on the land we find, the location, and local markets.
    Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
    Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
    Yes - We would look for loans and grants to ease the burden but are ready to invest our current income into the operation.


    Farm Name
    Alternate Roots Farm
    Farm Project Description

    We plan to have multiple income streams including market, farm gate, livestock and online sales. Our initial work would involve taking the time develop a permaculture based farm plan, building out 2 small flocks of sheep (breeds we have experience with that would do well in BC), chickens for meat and eggs, create a market garden growing to 1 to 1.5 acres, setting up beehives, building farm structures for livestock shelter and veg/herb processing. There would be an additional focus on growing and processing medicinal herbs and seeds for sale. As seasons pass and rhythms are established, selling products such as preserved veg and hand made products like soaps utilizing ingredients grown on the farm. Eventually, we would like to include a guest space and participate in the agri-tourism industry inviting people to experience life on the farm.

    Preferred Arrangement
    • Registered Lease on Title -
    • Lease -
    • MOU -
    Duration of the desired agreement
    1 to 5 years
    Ideal date to obtain land by
    When the right space comes available

    Land & Features Desired

    Total Land Size (acres)
    10 plus acres
    Wooded Area (acres)
    Yes - Access would be nice, for food forest harvesting and a space to roam.
    Cultivable Area (acres)
    5 plus
    Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
    Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

    Open to landowner residing on property
    Need farm buildings
    Need fenced land
    Need farm machinery and tools
    Need established water source and infrastructure
    Ideally stream or pond, municipal or well water
    Need on-site housing
    Yes - Ideally, a home to rent or at least a private space for a yurt or tiny home.
    Production type
      Type of agriculture
        Soil needs
        Will acquire commercial insurance

        Learn More

        Inquire about this listing

        Phone: 778-938-8642


        Squamish, BC, V8B 1A1

        Last modifed about 2 months ago; never expires.