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Land for Lease
Located in Omineca
Land Details
Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - Logged years ago - only currently used for recreational trails
Expansion potential (acres)
State of the surface of the cultivable area
Some meadows, some marshlands, lots of second growth from being logged 20+ years ago, currently only used for recreational trails.
Description and historical use of land available for farming
Road Access
No - Land is accessible through recreational trails
No - There is electricity at the residence
Cell Service
Yes - Excellent cell service
Long-term goal or vision for land
Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Current residents living on property
Yes - Home and outbuildings and horse fencing on approximately 10 acres. Looking to lease remaining land.
Availability of farm buildings
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Water rights to these sources
On-site housing
No - Cabin shell off grid, open to mobile home
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
- Vegetable -
- Livestock -
- Grain -
- Seed -
- Hay & Forage -
- Orchard/Fruit -
- Flower -
- Greenhouse -
- Bees -
- Mushroom -
Agronomic potential
I don't know
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - Personal references as there will be access to land
Agreement duration
1-5+ years
Last modifed about 1 year ago;
never expires.