Ling Yin was a full-time farmer running his own CSA program on a half-acre organic farm for 4 years in Hong Kong. Before that, he spent another 4 years working on different farms. Angeline was a weekend volunteer on a 1-acre organic farm for 6 years in Hong Kong. We worked together on projects promoting local agricultural produce, such as HK Robert Go. The HK Robert Go project involved 13 Hong Kong farms and 30 restaurants and shops, and the sale of more than 10,000 catties (6,000kg) of daikon. In 2021, we moved to Vancouver. We have been growing vegetable and herb crops in our home garden and in a community garden plot. We have spent almost 2 years learning about the climate, researching local organic agriculture, and networking with other farmers. We have also organized five farm tours and a charity daikon sale, and attended a course taught by an experienced local no-till farmer. Ling Yin is teaching a gardening course in Vancouver, as well as volunteering regularly on an organic vegetable farm. We aim to start a diversified vegetable and fruit farm in the coming 1-2 years. Our growing method is best described as regenerative and no-till. We aim to enable carbon sequestration, make healthy food accessible in a business model that is financially and personally sustainable for the farmer, conduct public education about sustainability and food security, and establish community through food.
Having some vegetation (not bare soil)