farmers looking for land
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Conscious minded homesteaders seeking farm land arrangement

Located in
  • Thompson - Okanagan -
  • Other - Shuswap, Edgewood area or Westbridge area
9f5d5b93 c2f7 4e8b 8e3a e1cc37674b02

Land Seeker Details

  • Farm management (3 years or less) - Orchard
  • General degree - Veterinarian Technician Course & Permaculture
  • General farming (3 years or less) - Beekeeping & aquaponics
  • General farming (3 years+) - 10 years homesteading raising dairy goats/making cheese + poultry
  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - 16 years overall experience with animal care including running a rescue
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - Dependent on the opportunites the parcel has available
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - Have savings
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Possibly loan in a transfer of ownership scenario


Farm Name
Harmony Homestead
Farm Project Description

A small group of conscious minded friends and myself are co-creating an intentional sustainable community venture based on a foundation of coherence & harmony. Our values and interests involve a direct connection to the environment and our work as land stewards. Sustainable land use and regenerative farming practices as well as energy independence. Sharing abundance in surrounding community markets. Raising children in a family-centred community. Compassionate, creative, entrepreneurial and motivated by working with others. Our goal is to purchase property in the next 2+ years however we are open to collaboration with enthusiastic partners who resonate with these values and currently own land they would either have an interest in applying these principles/ developments to, share or perhaps transfer ownership. Additional project interest: Animal rescue / Wildlife rehabilitation

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • License -
  • MOU -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
  • Sale of Land -
  • Other - Shared interest / tenants in common
Duration of the desired agreement
Minimum 2+ years
Ideal date to obtain land by
April 1 - June 1st

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
Minimum 3 acres+
Wooded Area (acres)
Yes - Some trees that provide shade for animals would be best
Cultivable Area (acres)
Minimum 2 acres+
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Fallow, orchard, hay/grazing

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - I consider the landowner residing on the property helpful to advocate for their vision/investment in their land
Need farm buildings
Need fenced land
Yes - I have my own means of fencing but an existing fence would be ideal
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
Creek would be ideal but spring or well is sufficient. Outbuildings/barn a bonus but not required
Need on-site housing
Yes - Have self contained solar RV but house would be ideal
Production type
  • Vegetable - Market Garden
  • Livestock - Goats - Dairy Goats - Cheese
  • Poultry - Layers - Chickens, Ducks, Turkey
  • Bees - Have Beekeeping equipment & experience
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
Soil needs
I don’t know
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - I'm not certain what this entails but am open to discussing it

Learn More

Inquire about this listing

Phone: 2508268009


2610 Glenmore Rd N
Kelowna, BC, V1V2B6

Last modifed about 1 year ago; never expires.