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2.5 acres for flowers, bees, and more - Coldstream, BC

58d6078c b696 4bbd aa3c 438fcfa453ba

Land Details

Participant in BC Land Matching Program
Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Cultivable Area
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
  • Not used for agriculture - Owners live on-site and have a garden area, rest of property not currently farmed
Current practices
    State of the surface of the cultivable area

    The cultivable area is currently fallow (in grass), with some fencing and irrigation (in need of repair)

    Description and historical use of land available for farming

    The property was most recently used for grazing (horses)

    Road Access
    Yes - From local paved road
    Yes - To barn area
    Cell Service
    Long-term goal or vision for land

    See the land used productively, and farmed in an ecological manner

    Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
    Yes - Wildfire area
    Current residents living on property
    Yes - In the main house
    Availability of farm buildings
    Yes - There is one small barn, lower level is potentially available to a farmer for storage, as a workshop, etc.
    Land is fenced
    Yes - Some cow-fencing in need of repair
    Availability of farm machinery and tools
    Water source
    • Irrigation system -
    Water rights to these sources
    Yes - Provided via local irrigation district, with an agricultural water allowance
    On-site housing
    Restricted access of visitors
    Yes - TBC
    Types of production you are open to
    • Vegetable -
    • Flower -
    • Bees -
    Practices preferred
    • Certified Organic -
    • Organic -
    • Other - Ecological/regenerative, does not need to be certified
    Agronomic potential
    I don't know
    Soil details
    • Unknown - Open to doing soil testing in advance of farmer
    Preferred arrangement
    • Lease -
    • License -
    Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
    Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
    Yes - TBC
    Agreement duration
    Last modifed 6 months ago; never expires.