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2 Acres for Lease in Grand Forks

Located in Kootenays E1ac5897 a38e 4b19 a521 f8d225dcdc33

Land Details

Participant in BC Land Matching Program
Total land size in acres
2 Acres
Wooded Area
Cultivable Area
2 Acres
Expansion potential (acres)
Yes - .33 Acre Plot
Current use
  • Not used for agriculture - Newly purchased. Previous owner had two cows.
Current practices
    State of the surface of the cultivable area

    Flat open mowed area with 8ft deer fence and 16ft wide entrance gate to field.

    Description and historical use of land available for farming

    Property was originally one of three farms in the area. Over the years properties were subdivided into smaller acreages and most have some sort of farming operation on them.

    Road Access
    Yes - Gate to land off main road.
    Yes - Electrical service for metered irrigation pump is available.
    Cell Service
    Yes - TELUS and Rogers in area
    Long-term goal or vision for land

    Fruit / vegetable growing and chickens. No chemical or fish fertilizer use allowed. Will consider other operations such as a nursery or livestock.

    Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
    Current residents living on property
    Yes - Me and my dad.
    Availability of farm buildings
    Yes - Lean-to beside barn and possibility to make space available in barn. TBD.
    Land is fenced
    Yes - 8ft deer fence with 16ft wide access gate off main road.
    Availability of farm machinery and tools
    Yes - Small Bolens HT20 tractor with tiller attachment may be available. I have yet to try the attachment.
    Water source
    • Well -
    Water rights to these sources
    On-site housing
    No - No residency on property available at this time.
    Restricted access of visitors
    Yes - Visitors, customers, labourers, etc must have designated parking area. Property must be kept clean, neat and organized and not an eye sore for neighbours.
    Types of production you are open to
    • Vegetable - Open for discussion.
    • Orchard/Fruit - Open for discussion.
    • Nursery - Open for discussion.
    • Other - Anything that makes this a "win win" for both of us is open for discussion.
    Practices preferred
    • Certified Organic -
    • Organic -
    Agronomic potential
    Soil details
    • Thick topsoil - Everywhere I dug on proprty to place new electrical and water lines has at least 2-3ft thick of dark earthy soil.
    • Slope orientation and degree of slope (specify) - Fairly flat with 1-2 degree slope towards back of property.
    • General fertility (nutrients) - Unkown but appears to be very healthy soil. Neighbours have successful farming operations.
    Preferred arrangement
    • Other - I'm thinking a lease but I'll need to discuss this further with the land matcher.
    Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
    Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
    Yes - Would help to know that the person working my land is responsible and successful at farming.
    Agreement duration
    Last modifed 8 months ago; never expires.