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Bluestone Acres - Apiary and agritourism in the North Thompson

Located in Thompson - Okanagan Cadb4464 30f9 4e82 9af9 56d0d6111d94

Land Details

Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - 7
Cultivable Area
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
  • Vegetable - Variety
  • Livestock - Sheep -
  • Poultry - Layers - 25 chickens, mixed breed
  • Orchard/Fruit - Apple and Cherry
  • Bees - 6 bee hives
Current practices
  • Organic -
State of the surface of the cultivable area

The surface is previous grazing land and is a field. The soil is very rich but full of rocks

Description and historical use of land available for farming

Open field area previoulsy utilized for grazing for cows. Now is uncultivated but ready to be planted or utilized.

Road Access
Yes - Country Road
Yes - Limited, only enough power for main house
Cell Service
Yes - Full access
Long-term goal or vision for land

This land is on ALR land and is an agritourism/accommodation business. We operate an apiary and raise chickens. The farm has a viking-theme and is designed to take visitors back to a time when land and human were closer together. Our accommodations are all off-grid and use sustainable and eco friendly products and systems. We have a drip irrigation system, save and store rain water and we would like to plant some bee friendly gardens to help sustain our bees. Eventually we plan to be full self-sustainable with goats, cows, chickens, a vegetable garden and bees.

Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Yes - Some flooding - very minimal and lasts for only a few weeks, this is not in the area proposed for a new project, but if flooding is not an issue for a potential collaborator, there is approx. 2 acres of grass area to be utilized
Current residents living on property
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - 2 shops, 1 shed
Land is fenced
Yes - 11 acre perimeter fully fenced and adjacent to a grazing field for cows
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Yes - As we are just starting our tools and machinery are limited, but we are growing our inventory.
Water source
  • Well -
  • Stream/river -
  • Irrigation system -
Water rights to these sources
Yes - North Thompson River
On-site housing
No - Main house is occupied but there is space for a trailer or other options
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
  • Vegetable - Community Garden?
  • Livestock - Cattle - We have some land good for grazing, but for only a few cows
  • Livestock - Sheep - Grazing animals will do well here
  • Livestock - Goats - For goat food and beauty products ( soap etc. )
  • Greenhouse - Year round production - greenhouse would need to be built
  • Flower - Flower fields for bees with bee friendly plants - Lavender field?
Practices preferred
  • Organic -
Agronomic potential
Soil details
  • Rocky soil - As this is an old river bed and there are layers to the ground, there are lots of rocks
  • Sloping -
  • Thick topsoil -
  • General fertility (nutrients) -
  • Good drainage -
Preferred arrangement
  • Lease -
  • Other - Open to all types of arrangements if the fit and vision align!
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - Kaare- one of the business owners is a small and rural business consultant with over 15 years experience. Will to provide consult as barter as well to help build a business.
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - Professional and personal references
Agreement duration
1 Season to start and longer if the relationship works well

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Phone: 7782313848



Last modifed 3 months ago; 2024-10-15.