Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - Woodland/forested
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
- Not used for agriculture -
State of the surface of the cultivable area
Description and historical use of land available for farming
Road Access
Yes - Located on a somewhat well traveled road with one driveway.
No - We are currently off-grid.
Cell Service
No - Cell signals are weak due to the forest.
Long-term goal or vision for land
To start true model of sustainability & self-sufficiency where all residents can do what they love and are passionate about while living in peace & harmony with the natural world.
This(Landshare) is not for everyone. We have a more detailed post on our blog, on our website.
There are two other options for those looking to have their own autonomy. So land could either be leased or purchased.
Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Current residents living on property
Availability of farm buildings
No - We are completely open to having buildings erected and are even willing to allow harvesting the softwood trees for their construction.
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Water rights to these sources
On-site housing
No - Both building and a mobile home are possible and logs/trees from the property would be available.
Restricted access of visitors
Yes - No gatherings, parties, loud music,.....
Types of production you are open to
- Vegetable -
- Livestock - Sheep -
- Livestock - Pigs -
- Livestock - Goats -
- Poultry - Layers -
- Poultry - Broilers -
- Grain -
- Seed -
- Hay & Forage -
- Orchard/Fruit -
- Greenhouse -
- Flower -
- Bees -
- Mushroom -
- Nursery -
- Other -
Agronomic potential
I don't know
Preferred arrangement
- Lease -
- MOU -
- Business Partnership -
- Sale of Land -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - Will share our gained knowledge gathered over the years.
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Agreement duration
Last modifed 8 months ago;