farmers looking for land
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99 year guardianship lease - land stewardship

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B1441e38 5839 454e b050 bd67fe663dbf

Land Seeker Details

  • General farming (3 years+) - Since February 29, 2020, I have been growing flowers, herbs, berries, and vegetables using regenerative agriculture practices, in a small shared backyard garden. With varying degrees of success, I have grown heirloom zucchini, cucumbers, peas, radishes, strawberries, Saskatoon berries, Joi Choi cabbage, kale, beets, scallopini squash, lavender, pumpkins, and organic cauliflower.
  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - Young Agrarians online courses: How to start farming, Land leasing 101, and Collaborative farming.
Do you have a business plan?
No - Not yet, but I'm working on this now.
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
No - I am looking for a 1 year farm trial, that includes a place to stay.
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Grants


Farm Name
Cannon Canyon
Farm Project Description

Most summers, starting in elementary school, I went berry picking with my family. My fruit and fungi harvesting experience includes: strawberries, raspberries, blueberries (+ blueberry cannery), cherries, apples, and mushrooms. We had a family farm in India. When I was three, my job was to collect the chickens' eggs, and deliver cow pies to my mom (to be shaped and dried in the hot Indian sun, before being used as a fuel source in the outdoor stove). We had one cow that we milked, and she gave birth to 10 healthy calves. Since February 29, 2020, I have been growing flowers, herbs, berries, and vegetables using regenerative agriculture practices, in a small shared backyard garden. With varying degrees of success, I have grown heirloom zucchini, cucumbers, peas, radishes, strawberries, Saskatoon berries, Joi Choi cabbage, kale, beets, scallopini squash, lavender, pumpkins, and organic cauliflower. My goal is to have a 99-year guardianship lease of a parcel of land, 1.99 acres or more, in BC. Ideally, the land is situated next to a dairy with cows producing grass-fed milk, and in exchange for rotational grazing, we receive fresh milk which is the key ingredient for most of the foods prepared in a central commercial kitchen/food truck. Through regenerative agriculture practices that heal the body and soil, the garden grows augmenting and extractive herbs, teas, and vegetables, and has (or will have) an established fruit orchard, and flower gardens. This stewardship lease ends Tuesday, February 28, 2119, and all land, improvements, and incomes revert to the landholder. At all times, the land remains in the landholder’s title. Part of my role is hands-on growing and harvesting. Other parts include, coordinating volunteers, social media marketing and presence, and networking to drive further farm collaborations. Each year, I deliver an updated budget and timeline to the landholder who, ideally, wants to have some level on input in a mentor capacity. The plan is to grow what I/we eat and what I/we wear: flowers, herbs, berries, fruits, vegetables, loofah, monkey puzzle trees, nut trees, bamboo, hemp, flax, natural dyes, etc... Education and seed saving are aspects of a bigger plan. Collecting and using compost from visitors (humans and grazing animals) to grow food and fibre is part of the long term vision to generate multiple streams of income for the farm property with the focus always being primarily the growing of food, and educating the public on the food cycle… from seed to harvest, to cooking and consumption, to elimination and compost, and back again. The objective is to give everyone (kids, seniors, everyone) basic adulting skills, knowledge, and confidence so that we raise healthy self-sufficient communities where all members have the skills to provide for our basic needs. I have an old non-farming business plan, and am actively updating this to a farming business plan. The overall objective is to grow a resilient colour community that is in harmony with the land, seasons, and changing climate. One that is self-sufficient and self-sustaining with multiple income streams. This is done by growing the best quality foods, and healing our lands and people.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Lease -
Duration of the desired agreement
99 year guardianship lease - started February 29, 2020 (when I began sharing the vision on social media and investing my savings into learning about and growing food). Lease expires: Tuesday, February 28, 2119
Ideal date to obtain land by
December 1, 2024

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
Greater than 1.99 acres - shared is okay.
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1/4 acre for flowers, and 1/4 acre for vegetables
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - Can be a large ranch with a portion of the growing area designated to me.
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Reliable water source Previous farming was organic - no chemicals Established orchard is ideal Residence on site Road access/parking Ready to be farmed - no till approach

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - Privacy is nice, so ideally we live at some distance from each other on the same property.
Need farm buildings
Yes - Cleaning station, dehydrating, packaging area, and some winter cold storage. Tool/equipment storage. Further down the line - overnight accommodation for volunteers and guests
Need fenced land
Yes - For rotational grazing of cows from neighbouring dairy, yes.
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - Mostly tubs to clean vegetables, and flat work surfaces to package produce. The rest will depend on what the landholder approves from the MASTER business PLAN.
Need established water source and infrastructure
Not sure at this time.
Need on-site housing
Yes - Studio - with private bathroom and kitchen - approx. 400 square feet or more
Production type
  • Vegetable - Almost any that is local and in season, and grows well based on soil conditions - Sattvic style (many of the ones I've grown in the past with additions each year).
  • Grain - Oats
  • Seed - Maybe flower seed saving. Monkey Puzzle tree (edible)
  • Orchard/Fruit - Whatever grows well with the least interference
  • Flower - Marigolds, rose (edible), jasmine (edible). Also floral varieties to be determined.
  • Bees - Not initially. Will depend on the services of an experienced beekeeper.
  • Nursery - Seedling sales
  • Other - Fibre for clothing, ropes, and other uses - bamboo, flax, hemp to start
Type of agriculture
  • Other - Regenerative agriculture - no chemicals or sprays. No dig. No till. Mulch and ground cover used.
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - Not sure what to specify.
Last modifed 5 months ago; never expires.