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Market Garden opportunity near Creston

Located in Kootenays 1a22f28a 57aa 4ce3 95d7 6ef86dafd79e

Land Details

Participant in BC Land Matching Program
Total land size in acres
Wooded Area
Yes - Wooded area along the creek.
Cultivable Area
1-2 acres
Expansion potential (acres)
Current use
  • Not used for agriculture - 2020 was last year of use for vegetable, laying hen, pig and hay production.
Current practices
  • Organic -
State of the surface of the cultivable area

Overgrown with mixed grasses and weeds.

Description and historical use of land available for farming

The land is historically part of a farm homestead. The most recent use of the land for farming was 2020, with laying hens and a large vegetable garden in production. The larger field was cut for hay.

Road Access
Yes - Shared residential road.
Cell Service
Long-term goal or vision for land

Long term vision for the land is to share it with a farmer who is keen to steward the land and improve the soil health. Open to different types of annual production and small-scale livestock.

Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Yes - Wildfire risk area
Current residents living on property
Yes - Multigenerational family living on the property.
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - Chicken coop and small pig shelter available. Some storage potential.
Land is fenced
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Water source
  • Stream/river -
  • Other - Some irrigation lines to the garden area.
Water rights to these sources
Yes - Unknown if the water licence is for agriculture use. Will look into it.
On-site housing
Restricted access of visitors
Yes - Open to hear farmer's plans for customers or other visitors. For discussion.
Types of production you are open to
  • Vegetable -
  • Livestock - Pigs - Livestock production will depend on the land capacity and farmer's willingness to maintain or build new fence.
  • Poultry - Layers -
  • Flower -
Practices preferred
  • Organic -
Agronomic potential
I don't know
Soil details
  • Texture - Topsoil built up in the garden area, clay soils outside of that area.
  • Slope orientation and degree of slope (specify) - Level slope to the garden and field.
Preferred arrangement
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?
Yes - Willing to share what has worked on this land in the past.
Do you require references from the farmer(s)?
Yes - Would like references.
Agreement duration
Negotiable. 2 years to start.
Last modifed 5 months ago; never expires.