farmers looking for land
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Seeking 2 acres for cattle

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
D92186db a010 4a06 889b e14a28ef7e06

Land Seeker Details

  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - Grew up in a farming family
Do you have a business plan?
No - Would like to inquire if my interest and goals are possible first
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
No - No, I am researching first
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Looking for grants or loans from government


Farm Name
WV Farms
Farm Project Description

To raise animals for fattening while on the side grow plants/produce to sell.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Lease -
Duration of the desired agreement
5 years
Ideal date to obtain land by

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
2 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1 acre
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Ready for farm operation.

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - They may live on the property with a section dedicated for the leasee/farmer.
Need farm buildings
Yes - Small barn
Need fenced land
Yes - Fence for animals
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - Tractor, harvester, planter
Need established water source and infrastructure
Not much - small irrigation system
Need on-site housing
Yes - Small house. Rental is fine.
Production type
  • Vegetable - Corn, spinach, bok choy
  • Livestock - Cattle - 24 Cows
  • Livestock - Goats - 20 Goats
  • Hay & Forage - Hay
  • Greenhouse - Small greenhouse - Asian vegetables and tomatoes
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
  • Conventional -
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - Crop insurance

Learn More

Inquire about this listing

Phone: 2365132202


BSMT/16650 19 Avenue
Surrey, BC, V3Z 1A2

Last modifed 4 months ago; never expires.