farmers looking for land
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Seeking Land in Mid-Island Oceanside for small-scale Garlic, Medicinal & Culinary Herb Farm

Located in
  • Vancouver Island & Gulf Islands -
25ce79be c370 43d1 8546 48375456de28

Land Seeker Details

  • Apprenticeship - Ravensong Seeds & Herbals Internship
  • General farming (3 years or less) - Market garden veggie farm
  • Other experience/agricultural/business training - VIU Farming Fundamentals Program, Community Herbalism Pacific Rim College, YA Business Bootcamp, 10+ years Administration & Bookkeeping
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - Currently working on a business plan
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - Savings & Grant Opportunities
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - We are interested in multiple funding streams


Farm Name
Learn As You Grow Farm
Farm Project Description

Our goal is to grow garlic, medicinal and culinary herbs, and flowers, and sell to chefs, herbalists, naturopaths and acupuncturists, as well as the public at markets and online. We would also like to have a quarterly CSH box (Community Supported Herbalism), in which we offer herbs and medicines to support health for the current season. Initially we will start on a fairly small scale, 1 acre or less, and will expand as success and capacity allow. Long term goals include growing and selling vegetables (and possibly fruit), but we will stick to growing veggies in our home garden for now. The mission we keep coming back to is to foster curiosity and delight through small scale food systems, and to grow products and relationships that strengthen our collective food security and resilience.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Lease -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
  • Sale of Land -
  • Other - At this time we are open to a variety of arrangements and our long term goal is to secure a larger piece of land to own, steward and reside on.
Duration of the desired agreement
Initially 2 years with the goal to expand
Ideal date to obtain land by
Spring 2025

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
1/4 - 2 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
1/4 - 2 acres
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - dependent on success and capacity
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Sufficient sunlight, water access. Ideally the land has been cultivated with some kind of crop previously, or grazed. We are open to obtaining an area that is not immediately ready to plant in and are open to spending a season to prepare the area for planting. We are open to installing our own fencing (ideally cost shared with or provided by the land owner).

Open to landowner residing on property
Need farm buildings
Yes - Shed (could be small) and a washing station. A greenhouse could be utilized as well.
Need fenced land
Yes - Though not 100% necessary as many of our crops are deer resistant but yes fencing would be ideal (see above note)
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
We are still figuring this out, and the size of the land would be a big factor in determining water volume. Garlic and medicinal plants typically require less water than vegetables, and can be watered via a simple hose and sprinkler system. However a drip irrigation system would be ideal, especially when considering the possibility of expansion into vegetables.
Need on-site housing
Production type
  • Vegetable - Garlic, culinary herbs
  • Seed - Herb seeds
  • Flower - Cut and medicinal
  • Other - Medicinal herbs
Type of agriculture
  • Organic -
Soil needs
Sand/Silt Loam, but have experience with sandy soil
Will acquire commercial insurance
Yes - I need to do more research on this and am definitely open to working through insurance logistics with the property owner
Last modifed 3 months ago; never expires.