farmers looking for land
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Small Ruminant Grazing (goats and sheep)

Located in
  • Lower Mainland - Fraser Valley -
  • Thompson - Okanagan -
9a21d21d 5e66 413a 9ec2 c8ed6823a7d6

Land Seeker Details

  • General degree - BA from University of California, bookkeeping certificate
  • General farming (3 years or less) - Animal husbandry, beekeeping, fruit and veg
Do you have a business plan?
Yes - In progress and preparing for review
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - Savings
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
Yes - Grants and capital equipment loans


Farm Name
Capricorn Ecological Grazing
Farm Project Description

My ecological grazing company will offer mobile grazing services to government, industry and landowners needing to make changes to the vegetation at their locations. Most commonly for brush control, wildfire fuel mitigation, invasive species management and improvement of biodiversity or soil health. During the spring, summer and fall, myself and my herd will be on location for contracts and during the winter and when not on a job, we will be at a home base and conducting herd management.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Lease -
  • MOU -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
Duration of the desired agreement
1-3 years and longer if the fit is good. Open to succession or purchase in the long term if the fit is right.
Ideal date to obtain land by
Fall of 2025

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
Between 3 to 10 acres
Wooded Area (acres)
Cultivable Area (acres)
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - The herd will start small and expand.
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Not boggy or prone to flooding due to hoofed animals. Accessible to road for trailers.

Open to landowner residing on property
Need farm buildings
Yes - A barn/shelter, feed/hay storage, and a shop would be ideal, but can build
Need fenced land
Yes - Need goat/sheep fencing, but willing to build/repair/improve
Need farm machinery and tools
Yes - A tractor or skidsteer would be ideal, but not required
Need established water source and infrastructure
Water for aprox 30-200 animals from city, well or water licence. Can build what the animals need
Need on-site housing
Yes - I must be able to live on site, as animals can't be left alone. Would like to rent a house/suite/cabin on property but can also bring a 5th wheel, so would need power/water etc.
Production type
  • Livestock - Sheep - Grazing animals
  • Livestock - Goats - Grazing animals
  • Hay & Forage - Would be great to produce some on site
Type of agriculture
  • Other - Could do any
Soil needs
Well-drained for animal welfare
Will acquire commercial insurance

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Vancouver, BC

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