farmers looking for land
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Farmers looking for land in Northern Alberta/B.C.

Located in

    Land Seeker Details

    • Agriculture-related degree - Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
    • Farm management (3 years or less) - Currently working as a farm supervisor on a mixed livestock farm
    • Apprenticeship - Part of the 2022 Young Agrarians apprenticeship program
    Do you have a business plan?
    Yes - Yes, we followed a course in holistic management and started up a business plan from there.
    Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
    Yes - We have acquired some of our financial resources by saving throughout our careers.
    Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'
    Yes - Once started, we would like to look into grants to get funding to set up an advanced rotational grazing plan.


    Farm Name
    Twin Horizon Ranch
    Farm Project Description

    The Twin Horizon Ranch symbolizes our partnership as twin brothers and shared vision for the future. "Horizon" evokes the expansive landscapes of Northern Alberta and B.C. and the forward-looking principles of regenerative farming Our goal is to start farming where we would produce food to nourish our family and community in a way that creates a habitat that protects soil and water resources and support a diverse farm ecology. We want to ensure long-term productivity of farmland. So that not only we, but also our next generations can reap the benefits. Therefore, we will adopt several key practices to meet our goals: 1. Rotational Grazing: Livestock will be rotated through a series of paddocks to ensure that pastures have time to recover, improving grassland health and soil fertility. This practice helps to mimic natural grazing patterns, increasing plant growth and enhancing soil carbon sequestration. 2. Agroforestry / Silvopasture: Trees and shrubs will be integrated into grazing areas to provide shade for cattle, prevent soil erosion, and enhance biodiversity. Silvopasture systems will also offer additional income opportunities through timber, nuts, or fruits. 3. Soil Regeneration Practices: o Cover Cropping: Diverse plants will be sown to cover the soil during off-seasons, adding organic matter, improving soil structure, and preventing erosion. o Composting: Manure and organic waste will be composted to create nutrient-rich soil amendments, reducing the need for synthetic fertilizers and improving soil health. 4. Low-Stress Animal Management: Livestock handling will prioritize the welfare of the animals, reducing stress and improving meat quality. This includes using low-stress cattle handling methods and providing natural grazing environments. 5. Water Management: Water troughs and ponds will be strategically placed to enhance water access and reduce reliance on external sources. Potential risks as extreme weather events, market fluctuations in livestock prices, and resistance to adopting new farming practices will be mitigated by diversifying income sources (e.g., on-farm slaughter, selling products directly to consumers, agroforestry), building resilience into the farm's systems, and continuously educating.

    Preferred Arrangement
    • Registered Lease on Title -
    • Lease -
    • Sale of Land -
    Duration of the desired agreement
    Long term/permanent
    Ideal date to obtain land by
    As soon as the right opportunity arises

    Land & Features Desired

    Total Land Size (acres)
    Wooded Area (acres)
    Yes - We would like a wooded area. It does not matter how much land the forest area takes up.
    Cultivable Area (acres)
    Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
    Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

    Some cleared land ready for cultivation or grazing would be asset . We would like to hay some land and rotationally graze livestock.

    Open to landowner residing on property
    Need farm buildings
    Yes - It would be an asset
    Need fenced land
    Yes - It would be an asset
    Need farm machinery and tools
    Yes - It would be an asset
    Need established water source and infrastructure
    A water well and a few ponds or creek are desirable
    Need on-site housing
    Production type
    • Livestock - Cattle -
    • Livestock - Sheep -
    • Livestock - Pigs -
    • Hay & Forage -
    • Bees -
    • Other - Agroforestry
    Type of agriculture
    • Organic -
    Soil needs
    Will acquire commercial insurance
    Last modifed 3 months ago; never expires.