farmers looking for land
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Young Family Looking to Ranch

Located in
  • Cariboo -
  • Thompson - Okanagan -
  • Kootenays -

Land Seeker Details

  • Farm management (3 years+) - Owned and operated Stonepost Farms for 8 years
  • General farming (3 years+) - Grew up on a family farm in Southern Alberta
Do you have a business plan?
Do you have financial resources available to start your farm?
Yes - We currently have 320 acres for sale in Alberta and will use the proceeds from that sale to start ranching in B.C.
Do you have access to other financial resources (such as a financial partner, loan, etc.) to start your farm?'


Farm Name
Stonepost Farms Ltd.
Farm Project Description

In Alberta we primarily raised livestock with regenerative techniques and direct marketed the meat. We are looking to relocate to B.C., in close proximity to Mountainous areas to ranch regeneratively, utilize AMP grazing practices, to raise grass fed beef and potentially organic beef to sell into the wholesale market.

Preferred Arrangement
  • Registered Lease on Title -
  • Lease -
  • License -
  • Transfer / Succession -
  • Business Partnership -
  • Sale of Land -
Duration of the desired agreement
Long term, 5+ years
Ideal date to obtain land by
June 1, 2025

Land & Features Desired

Total Land Size (acres)
Wooded Area (acres)
Yes - Pasture with some trees would be fine.
Cultivable Area (acres)
50+ acres for growing hay or forage crops is required.
Possibility to expand area currently available (acres)
Yes - We would be interested in expansion opportunities.
Preferred current state of the surface of the cultivable area

Hay land or cultivated that can be used for forage production is required.

Open to landowner residing on property
Yes - Potentially
Need farm buildings
Need fenced land
Yes - We would be willing to do fence building and repairs.
Need farm machinery and tools
Need established water source and infrastructure
Enough water for 100 cows year round. Any irrigation equipment if available.
Need on-site housing
Yes - Either onsite or within close proximity.
Production type
  • Vegetable - For personal use
  • Livestock - Cattle - Cow/Calf and yearlings.
  • Livestock - Sheep - Starting a small flock
  • Livestock - Pigs - For personal use.
  • Livestock - Goats - We would be interested in running goats if the property contained a lot of brush.
  • Poultry - Layers - For personal use.
  • Poultry - Broilers - Broilers and turkeys for personal use.
  • Grain - Would like to experiment with heritage varieties for milling.
  • Hay & Forage - For cattle feed,
  • Bees - Currently have 2 hives and enough equipment to expand to 50 hives.
Type of agriculture
  • Certified Organic -
  • Organic -
Soil needs
Will acquire commercial insurance

Learn More

Inquire about this listing

Phone: 403-894-3494


53312 Rge Rd 105, Box 187
Wildwood, AB, T0E 2M0

Last modifed 17 days ago; 2025-12-01.