There are 4 acres available of sloped mixed brush/wooded pasture plus a potential vegetable plot available. Western snowberry covers aprox. half of the available pasture, and sustainable removal techniques are being used each year to remove it. After removal, those areas have been seeded with interior dryland forage(2022 & 2023). There is one year-round creek that bisects the pasture, and several other seasonal streams. The land has a very high water table and sees a lot of surface water in the spring into early summer.
The land was historically used as a dairy in the early 1900's but has been vacant for several decades until recently. Much of the farming history can be seen in the land. It was used for breeding Icelandic sheep in 2022/2023 and all infrastructure was put in place for this, which includes a 14'x36' run in shed, cross fencing, and 5' woven-wire perimeter fencing. There are aprox. 20 heritage apple trees inside the pasture, some of which are very overgrown, but all are producing excellent yields. There is a small terraced garden with 3-20' beds available and a 10'x10' level spot for a potential small greenhouse. There is a second potential growing area that is approximately 200'x200', and is gently sloped, with full sun exposure. It's never been used before beyond sheep and horse grazing, so there is some snowberry and reed canary. Access to water is nearby. There have been two horses living on the property since 2022, and there is a large amount of aged manure available.
I would love to connect with someone who shares similar values as me in sustainability and wants to raise livestock or put the vacant plot into production for a market garden. Ideally I'm looking for someone who wants to live on the property in a RV.