I intend to establish a regenerative land project with the main goal of diversity from the biggest of plants and animals down to the smallest micro-biomes. Not only that, but a diversity of people and all the things they can bring with them; such as community, culture, skills, and ideas. This is a project that can start small, and expand exponentially over time. The end goal, if there is an end, is to work with natural systems to develop a resilient ecosystem that could self sustain and thrive in productivity for decades, centuries, even millennia, were humans to abandon it. While humans do occupy the space, it would provide many of the necessities for a healthy lifestyle for humans, plants, and animals alike. Healthy food, clean water, appropriate shelter, and supportive community that is rare in todays society. This project can be assimilated to either for profit, or a not for profit scenario. I am not a money driven person, but I do understand that we live in a world where money is necessary for development. There is a process of project development that should be followed to achieve efficiency. Firstly, land observation, temporary living space and waste management, as well as personal gardens/easily maintained livestock should be established: Observation is key to understanding the scope of projects possible, and where priorities should lie for faster turnover for self sufficiency and profit. Different land qualities offer vastly diverse potential in terms of what will thrive or fail. This is a process that should not be rushed; a full season of observation of the local ecosystem is minimal before design. This includes observation of native plants and animals; historic land uses; historic max/min/forecasted climate patterns; water movement; and sun movement. During this observation stage, personal comfort and basic production for self is important. Second, basic permanent infrastructure must be developed: This includes living quarters, waste systems, storage, access, energy, fencing, water management, and landworks. Landworks for infrastructure, access, beds, terraces, and water management should be well thought out and designed prior to any other process. That way, machine hiring can take care of everything at once to reduce overall costs. Ideally, much of the materials needed for early infrastructure would come from the land in the form of wood and clay. Externally sourced materials can be sourced from dumps, recycled materials, or quality new materials. Land sourced materials must be managed in a regenerative fashion. This includes minimal selective logging with the aim to increase bio-productivity of wooded areas. Leaving the largest, healthiest, and productive seed bearing trees and plants intact is paramount. The removal of crowded and damaged trees for building material is preferred. The goal is to never take from the forest over a period of time more than it produces over the same time period. This creates a net positive growth, and net positive carbon sequestration. Early sources of income come from quick growing plants as well as meat and egg birds. These are established alongside early infrastructure. It is also beneficial to acquire good genetics for productive perennials, shrubs, and trees early on for the benefit of earlier production of materials, propagation stock, and food. Waste management can be done many ways. My ideal is through use of humanure, urea fertilizer, and natural or developed wetland filtration systems. Biofuels created via bio-digesters can be expensive, but are also very useful for both fuel and fertilizer. Energy production can also get expensive, it is, however, necessary to produce at least small amounts if none is available. A combination of photovoltaic and microhydro systems is productive for necessities. Fencing is necessary to protect plants and livestock. This can start small and be scaled over time with either temporary, movable fencing, or smaller sections of permanent fencing. Individual plant protection is another option for early stages. Throughout the early development stages, external labor can be achieved via workaway, wwoofing, local community, family and friends. Through this process, the acquirement of semi-permanent or permanent residents sharing similar goals is beneficial for expanding the project. This builds stronger community, and stronger systems. People can start to take on lead roles for specific projects they wish to focus on, increasing overall system resilience, as well as profit. The more interactive layers a project like this has, the less likely any part of the system whole will fail; and the less likely yearly profits will be largely affected. In a system with many components, it is highly unlikely all established systems will fail to bring productivity and profit. This type of resilience is a sought after goal of the project. With more people there comes more necessities, such as further living spaces, as well as communal spaces. Additional components of a resilient system can take many, many forms: Mushroom cultivation Market gardens, as well as fruit and nut production Eggs/Poultry Seeds, seedlings and other propagated plants Processed foods Herbalism Hay/straw Grain production Raw materials in the form of timber, leather, and fibre Finished products in the form of fabrics, and carpentry Livestock breeding Bees Aquaculture/aquaponics Education/consultation Agritourism Festivals Glamping/eco-retreat Alcohols How and what is possible is dependent upon land constraints, people and investors attracted, and ones imagination. The most important aspect of my dream is a better future for the children of the world and the increasingly complex diversity of the Earth as a whole. A world of cooperation rather than competition. The current accepted theory of how the world, even universe, functions, is through competition and chaos. We are now coming to understand that this is wrong. While there is competition between living things, and apparent chaos through the universe; the bigger picture reveals intricate systems of cooperation and organization. This is the outlook human kind must adopt in order to preserve not just ourselves, but diversity in all its glory.
While there is benefit to healthy and productive land, degraded land can be transformed to be once again productive. Land that already has components established can be of benefit to earlier profit margins and quicker growth. Existing components can be left alone, or adapted into the larger system to increase productivity and land health.