Vegetable - There is irrigation through the fields. Used to be certified organic farm that produced produce and shipped Canada wide.
Livestock - Cattle - Neighbors Cattle graze spring till summer
Hay & Forage - Hay land
Greenhouse - I currently grow in a greenhouse and developing more garden space
Current practices
Organic -
State of the surface of the cultivable area
Good soil that hasnt had much put into it in the past few years besides grazing cattle.
Description and historical use of land available for farming
The land was certified organic prior to me purchasing it. I have never sprayed anything on the land I also farm organically but not certified. There is beautiful treed areas, dug out and rolling hills. Property is fenced and cross fenced.
Road Access
Yes - There is access to the property from 2 different entries.
Yes - In certain areas
Cell Service
Yes - Not great cell service
Long-term goal or vision for land
Hope to see it producing and nurturing more than I am doing at the moment. It has endless possibilities.
Holistic farming
Organic gardens
Forage site
Known environmental hazards (wildfire area, flooding, etc.)
Current residents living on property
Yes - Me
Availability of farm buildings
Yes - Could be arranged
Land is fenced
Yes - Barbed wire and cross fencing
Availability of farm machinery and tools
Water source
Well -
Other - Dugout
Water rights to these sources
Yes - Have a well and dugout
On-site housing
No - Very old mobile that would need some work
Restricted access of visitors
Types of production you are open to
Vegetable -
Livestock - Sheep -
Livestock - Goats -
Poultry - Layers -
Poultry - Broilers -
Orchard/Fruit -
Greenhouse - I do have additional greenhouse frame if someone wanted to utilize
Flower -
Bees -
Mushroom -
Nursery -
Other -
Practices preferred
Organic -
Other - Holistic, regenerative, etc..
Agronomic potential
Soil details
Good drainage -
Preferred arrangement
Lease -
Business Partnership -
Sale of Land -
Other -
Would you be willing to mentor or advise the entering farmer(s)?